
技术标签: 计算机专业考研面试时老师会问什么问题  





1.为什么考研呢? 为什么选择这个专业呢?  (Why do you take part in the postgraduate exam? Why did you choose your major?)

我高中虽说努力,但是并未考上更好的学校。这个学校教会了我很多东西,但是我想提升自己。在大学的四年里,除了专业课,我没读什么课外书。当我认识到学习的重要性的时候,我已经来到了大二下学期。所以,我决定要读研,多读一些书,多学点专业知识,提升自己。(Although I tried hard in high school, I didn't get admitted to a better school. This school has taught me a lot of things, but I want to improve myself. During my four years in college, I didn't read any books except for my major courses. When I realized the importance of study, I had come to the second semester of sophomore year. Therefore, I decided to go to graduate school, read more books, learn more professional knowledge and improve myself.)

2.研究生三年打算怎么度过呢?有什么规划吗?(How do you plan to spend your three years as a graduate student? Do you have any plans?)

认真学习专业知识,听从导师一切安排;(Study professional knowledge carefully and follow all arrangements of my tutor)

训练实践能力,如果导师有任何项目需要帮助,我会全力去做;(Train my practical ability, and I will try my best to do any project if my tutor needs help)

学会团队合作。(Learn to work in a team)

3.可以介绍一下你的家乡吗?(Can you introduce your hometown?)

我的家乡,安庆,是一个很美的地方,我很爱我的家乡。我们有,全国首批重点风景名胜区,国家5A级景区天柱山,这里风景秀丽,空气清新;这里是中国五大地方剧种之一黄梅戏的发源地,黄梅戏的优雅唱腔从安庆唱响到了全中国。安庆还有很多好玩的地方,很多好吃的地方小吃,我真诚地欢迎老师们去安庆游玩。(My hometown, Anqing, is a beautiful place, I love my hometown very much. We have one of the first national key scenic spots, Tianzhu Mountain, a national 5A scenic spot with beautiful scenery and fresh air. It is the birthplace of Huangmei Opera, one of the five major local operas in China. Huangmei Opera's elegant singing has spread from Anqing to the whole country. There are a lot of fun places in Anqing, a lot of delicious local snacks, I sincerely welcome teachers to visit Anqing.)

4.可以介绍一下你的家庭吗?(Can you introduce your family?)

我家有3口人,父亲,母亲和我。我的母亲是对我影响最深的人。我的母亲温柔善良,善解人意,她永远用善意对待别人,让我学会了与人为善;母亲积极乐观,告诉我,人要刻苦努力,追求自己想要的东西,让我学会了坚持。母亲教给我的东西,让我终生受益。(There are three people in my family, father, mother and I. My mother is the person who has influenced me the most. My mother is gentle and kind and considerate. She always treats others with kindness, which makes me learn to be kind to others. She is positive and optimistic, and she told me that people should work hard to pursue what they want, so that I learned to persist. My mother taught me things that have benefited me all my life.)

5.可以介绍一下你的本科学校吗?(Can you introduce your undergraduate college?)

我爱我的大学。虽然,我的大学没有那么有名气,也没有那么多著名的教授学者,但是我也遇到很多博学多才的老师,教会我很多东西。大学四年,我遇到了人生中最好的朋友,他们教会我积极乐观,永不放弃。但是,我仍然感觉到自己专业知识的不足,课外读书太少,我想在研究生阶段继续钻研专业知识,多看些课外书,努力提升自己。(I love my college. Although, my college is not so famous, there are not so many famous professors and scholars, but I also met many knowledgeable teachers, who taught me a lot of things. During the four years in college, I met the best friends in my life. They taught me to be positive and optimistic and never give up. However, I still feel the lack of professional knowledge, extracurricular reading is too little, I want to continue to study professional knowledge in the postgraduate stage, read more extracurricular books, and strive to improve myself.)

6.可以说一下你对英语的态度吗?(What’s your attitude towards English?)

我小时候很喜欢英语,但是,在上中学的时候,英语课程实在太无聊,我就把英语落下了。到大学里再次接触到英语时,我再次体会到了英语学习的乐趣,我也体会到英语是可以学好的。如果我有幸被录取,我会努力提升专业英语水平。(I liked English very much when I was a child. But in middle school, the English classes were so boring that I can’t catch up with. When I came into contact with English again in college, I realized the fun of learning English again, and I realized that English can be learned well. If I am lucky enough to be admitted, I will try my best to improve my professional English.)

7.可以你说一下你对我们学校和专业了解多少吗?(Can you say something about our university and major?)

华中科技大学是全国著名的985院校,其计算机学院的地位在国内更是举足轻重。某某教授,取得了什么成绩;张小龙,微信之父,也是毕业于这所院校。(Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) is one of the most famous 985 universities in China, and its school of computer plays an important role in China. Professor XXX, he made achievements……; Zhang Xiaolong, the father of WeChat, also graduated from this university.)

8.可以说一下你的优缺点吗?(What’s your advantage and disadvantage?)


我的优点是性格开朗,擅于与人交朋友;缺点是,有时候有点粗心。如果,我有幸被录取,我一定会努力改正我的缺点,争取毕业后做一个好的老师。(My advantage is cheerful personality, good at communicating with people; On the downside, sometimes I'm a little careless. If I am lucky enough to be admitted, I will try my best to correct my shortcomings and strive to be a good teacher after graduation.)

9.你为什么要换专业?(Why did you change your major?)

我也曾努力地学习英语,但我感觉对英语缺乏热情。我对计算机专业很感兴趣,这两年我的课余时间都在学习计算机知识,但是自学的东西很零散,我想在研究生期间系统的学习专业知识,毕业后做一名优秀的工程师。(I tried hard to learn English, but I felt I lacked enthusiasm for it. I am very interested in computer science. In the past two years, I have been learning computer knowledge in my spare time, but what I have learned by myself is very scattered. I want to systematically learn professional knowledge during the postgraduate period and become an excellent engineer after graduation.)



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