
技术标签: 考研复试  


Thanks for your question.


(1) Well, I have’t thought about this question yet, but I do agree with you because I think … is important. I will read more literatures on … ,so that I could have a deep understanding of it.
(2) To be honest, I only learned some basic concepts of … and now that you mentioned this konwledge, I will look into it in a more practical way.

Q1:Can you tell me something about your project?
A1:my project is small object detection based on images and I am using Faster R-CNN algorithm and feature pyramid network to extract features and then to finish classification task and regression task. Now, I have trained a neural network by Faster R-CNN to detect object. Next I will combine FPN with my model.

Q2:Can you say something about your major?
A2:After I finished the first year of University, I enter the automation science and electrical engineering school and my major is automation science. We have lots of related professional course such as Automatical Control Principle, Digital Signal Process, Computer Control System and some Programming lessons.

Q3: What is the most easy or difficult course during your college life?
A3:To be honest, there is no easy professional course. So I always spend time on these course on weekend.I like the automatical control principle best because this course is the core of my major and this course deepen my understanding of automation science.

Q4: What have learned from your internship experience?
A4:Due to the epidemic, I don’t have any internship experience.

Q5:Could you tell me something about your undergraduate study experience?
A5:Well,as far as I am concerned,Beihang university’s undergraduate education benefit me a lot, espically my self-learning skill. Due to our difficult courses, I spent much time on my professional courses,so it also improve my learning capacity. And thanks for our university, I have an opportunity to visit Finland Tampere university in summer school. So I am satisfied with undergraduate study.

Q6:The differences between linear system and nonlinear system?
A5:There are three differences. Linear system meets the principle of superposition, nonlinear system’s stability is ralated to initial state and self-oscillation may occur in nonlinear system.

Q1:Could you talk something about your family?
A1:There are three members in my family.my parants and I.my dad and my mom both are teachers.They help me a lot in my growth and they encuorage me to achieve my goals, and always support me to further my study with a master degree.So I’m grateful to them

Q2:What is your study plan?
A2:Well, I am interested in artificial intelligence and my graduation project is related to it, so I am desired to keep learnig related knowledge in postgraduate study.I plan to study related courses and participate in some competition or do some projects.

Q3: Where is your hometown?

Q4:What can you tell me about yourself ?
A4:I am easy-going and I can get along well with my friends around me and I am optimistic, so when obstacle confront me, I can always keep a healthy altidude and try my best to adress it.

Q5: What are advantages and disadvantage ?
A5:my disadvantage is that I will feel stressed-out if I have many things need to handle, so I am used to make a plan so that I can accomplish every task.

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