Spring Security Config : AuthenticationManagerBuilder 认证管理器构建器-程序员宅基地

技术标签: Spring Security 分析  



Spring Security Config中,AuthenticationManagerBuilder是一个SecurityBuilder,其目的是根据所设置的属性构建一个AuthenticationManager(实现类使用ProviderManager)。




AuthenticationManagerBuilder典型的用法是 :

  1. 根据需求设置相应属性;
    1. 设置双亲AuthenticationManager(可选,缺省值无):#parentAuthenticationManager();
    2. 设置认证事件发布器(可选,缺省值无):#authenticationEventPublisher();
    3. 设置是否认证后从认证对象中擦除密码信息(缺省为false,可选):#eraseCredentials();
  2. 根据需要应用相应的认证安全配置器SecurityConfigurer(可以应用多个,也可以一个都不应用)
    • #jdbcAuthentication(),对应JdbcUserDetailsManagerConfigurer
    • #inMemoryAuthentication() , 对应InMemoryUserDetailsManagerConfigurer
    • #ldapAuthentication() , 对应LdapAuthenticationProviderConfigurer

    这里每个SecurityConfigurer 都用于生成一个AuthenticationProvider并添加到所配置的目标AuthenticationManagerBuilder

  3. 可以再提供一个自定义的UserDetailsService (也可以不提供)

    其实是将一个UserDetailsService包装成了一个SecurityConfigurer DaoAuthenticationConfigurer 然后应用到目标AuthenticationManagerBuilder上,最终也是生成一个AuthenticationProvider并添加到所配置的目标AuthenticationManagerBuilder

  4. 可以提供若干个自定义的AuthenticationProvider(也可以不提供)

    注意:以上2,3,4 步骤中提供的AuthenticationProvider必须至少有一个,或者必须为AuthenticationManagerBuilder设置双亲(parent)AuthenticationManager;

  5. 调用#build 方法构建目标AuthenticationManager供使用方使用


源代码版本 : Spring Security Config 5.1.4.RELEASE

package org.springframework.security.config.annotation.authentication.builders;

// 省略 imports

 * SecurityBuilder used to create an AuthenticationManager. Allows for
 * easily building in memory authentication, LDAP authentication, JDBC based
 * authentication, adding UserDetailsService, and adding
 * AuthenticationProvider's.
 * @author Rob Winch
 * @since 3.2
public class AuthenticationManagerBuilder
		AbstractConfiguredSecurityBuilder<AuthenticationManager, AuthenticationManagerBuilder>
		implements ProviderManagerBuilder<AuthenticationManagerBuilder> {
	private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

	private AuthenticationManager parentAuthenticationManager;
	private List<AuthenticationProvider> authenticationProviders = new ArrayList<>();
	private UserDetailsService defaultUserDetailsService;
	private Boolean eraseCredentials;
	private AuthenticationEventPublisher eventPublisher;

	 * Creates a new instance
	 * @param objectPostProcessor the ObjectPostProcessor instance to use.
	public AuthenticationManagerBuilder(ObjectPostProcessor<Object> objectPostProcessor) {
		super(objectPostProcessor, true);

	 * Allows providing a parent AuthenticationManager that will be tried if this
	 * AuthenticationManager was unable to attempt to authenticate the provided
	 * Authentication.
	 * @param authenticationManager the AuthenticationManager that should be used
	 * if the current AuthenticationManager was unable to attempt to authenticate
	 * the provided Authentication.
	 * @return the AuthenticationManagerBuilder for further adding types of
	 * authentication
	public AuthenticationManagerBuilder parentAuthenticationManager(
			AuthenticationManager authenticationManager) {
		if (authenticationManager instanceof ProviderManager) {
			eraseCredentials(((ProviderManager) authenticationManager)
		this.parentAuthenticationManager = authenticationManager;
		return this;

	 * Sets the AuthenticationEventPublisher
	 * @param eventPublisher the AuthenticationEventPublisher to use
	 * @return the AuthenticationManagerBuilder for further customizations
	public AuthenticationManagerBuilder authenticationEventPublisher(
			AuthenticationEventPublisher eventPublisher) {
		Assert.notNull(eventPublisher, "AuthenticationEventPublisher cannot be null");
		this.eventPublisher = eventPublisher;
		return this;

	 * @param eraseCredentials true if AuthenticationManager should clear the
	 * credentials from the Authentication object after authenticating
	 * @return the AuthenticationManagerBuilder for further customizations
	public AuthenticationManagerBuilder eraseCredentials(boolean eraseCredentials) {
		this.eraseCredentials = eraseCredentials;
		return this;

	 * Add in memory authentication to the AuthenticationManagerBuilder and return
	 * a InMemoryUserDetailsManagerConfigurer to allow customization of the in
	 * memory authentication.
	 * This method also ensure that a UserDetailsService is available for the
	 * #getDefaultUserDetailsService() method. Note that additional
	 * UserDetailsService's may override this UserDetailsService as the
	 * default.
	 * @return a InMemoryUserDetailsManagerConfigurer to allow customization of
	 * the in memory authentication
	 * @throws Exception if an error occurs when adding the in memory authentication
	public InMemoryUserDetailsManagerConfigurer<AuthenticationManagerBuilder> inMemoryAuthentication()
			throws Exception {
		return apply(new InMemoryUserDetailsManagerConfigurer<>());

	 * Add JDBC authentication to the AuthenticationManagerBuilder and return a
	 * JdbcUserDetailsManagerConfigurer to allow customization of the JDBC
	 * authentication.
	 * When using with a persistent data store, it is best to add users external of
	 * configuration using something like Flyway or Liquibase to create the schema and adding
	 * users to ensure these steps are only done once and that the optimal SQL is used.
	 * This method also ensure that a UserDetailsService is available for the
	 * #getDefaultUserDetailsService() method. Note that additional
	 * UserDetailsService's may override this UserDetailsService as the
	 * default. See the <a href=
	 * "http://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#user-schema"
	 * >User Schema</a> section of the reference for the default schema.
	 * @return a JdbcUserDetailsManagerConfigurer to allow customization of the
	 * JDBC authentication
	 * @throws Exception if an error occurs when adding the JDBC authentication
	public JdbcUserDetailsManagerConfigurer<AuthenticationManagerBuilder> jdbcAuthentication()
			throws Exception {
		return apply(new JdbcUserDetailsManagerConfigurer<>());

	 * Add authentication based upon the custom UserDetailsService that is passed
	 * in. It then returns a DaoAuthenticationConfigurer to allow customization of
	 * the authentication.
	 * This method also ensure that the UserDetailsService is available for the
	 * #getDefaultUserDetailsService() method. Note that additional
	 * UserDetailsService's may override this UserDetailsService as the
	 * default.
	 * @return a DaoAuthenticationConfigurer to allow customization of the DAO
	 * authentication
	 * @throws Exception if an error occurs when adding the UserDetailsService
	 * based authentication
	public <T extends UserDetailsService> DaoAuthenticationConfigurer<AuthenticationManagerBuilder, T> 
				userDetailsService(T userDetailsService) throws Exception {
		this.defaultUserDetailsService = userDetailsService;
		return apply(new DaoAuthenticationConfigurer<>(

	 * Add LDAP authentication to the AuthenticationManagerBuilder and return a
	 * LdapAuthenticationProviderConfigurer to allow customization of the LDAP
	 * authentication.
	 * This method does NOT ensure that a UserDetailsService is available
	 * for the #getDefaultUserDetailsService() method.
	 * @return a LdapAuthenticationProviderConfigurer to allow customization of
	 * the LDAP authentication
	 * @throws Exception if an error occurs when adding the LDAP authentication
	public LdapAuthenticationProviderConfigurer<AuthenticationManagerBuilder> ldapAuthentication()
			throws Exception {
		return apply(new LdapAuthenticationProviderConfigurer<>());

	 * Add authentication based upon the custom AuthenticationProvider that is
	 * passed in. Since the AuthenticationProvider implementation is unknown, all
	 * customizations must be done externally and the AuthenticationManagerBuilder
	 * is returned immediately.
	 * This method does NOT ensure that the UserDetailsService is available
	 * for the #getDefaultUserDetailsService() method.
	 * Note that an Exception might be thrown if an error occurs when adding the AuthenticationProvider.
	 * @return a AuthenticationManagerBuilder to allow further authentication to
	 * be provided to the AuthenticationManagerBuilder
	public AuthenticationManagerBuilder authenticationProvider(
			AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider) {
		return this;

	protected ProviderManager performBuild() throws Exception {
		if (!isConfigured()) {
			logger.debug("No authenticationProviders and no parentAuthenticationManager defined. Returning null.");
			return null;
		ProviderManager providerManager = new ProviderManager(authenticationProviders,
		if (eraseCredentials != null) {
		if (eventPublisher != null) {
		providerManager = postProcess(providerManager);
		return providerManager;

	 * Determines if the AuthenticationManagerBuilder is configured to build a non
	 * null AuthenticationManager. This means that either a non-null parent is
	 * specified or at least one AuthenticationProvider has been specified.
	 * When using SecurityConfigurer instances, the
	 * AuthenticationManagerBuilder will not be configured until the
	 * SecurityConfigurer#configure(SecurityBuilder) methods. This means a
	 * SecurityConfigurer that is last could check this method and provide a
	 * default configuration in the SecurityConfigurer#configure(SecurityBuilder)
	 * method.
	 * @return true, if AuthenticationManagerBuilder is configured, otherwise false
	public boolean isConfigured() {
		return !authenticationProviders.isEmpty() || parentAuthenticationManager != null;

	 * Gets the default UserDetailsService for the
	 * AuthenticationManagerBuilder. The result may be null in some circumstances.
	 * @return the default UserDetailsService for the
	 * AuthenticationManagerBuilder
	public UserDetailsService getDefaultUserDetailsService() {
		return this.defaultUserDetailsService;

	 * Captures the UserDetailsService from any UserDetailsAwareConfigurer
	 * .
	 * @param configurer the UserDetailsAwareConfigurer to capture the
	 * UserDetailsService from.
	 * @return the UserDetailsAwareConfigurer for further customizations
	 * @throws Exception if an error occurs
	private <C extends UserDetailsAwareConfigurer<AuthenticationManagerBuilder, ? extends UserDetailsService>> 
				C apply(C configurer) throws Exception {
		this.defaultUserDetailsService = configurer.getUserDetailsService();
		return (C) super.apply(configurer);


*Spring Security : 概念模型 AuthenticationManager 认证管理器

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