webrtc中的随机数生成代码_result = result / 0xfffffffffffffffeull;-程序员宅基地

技术标签: C++  C加加  随机数生成  



#ifndef __RANDOM_H__
#define __RANDOM_H__
class Random {
  // TODO(tommi): Change this so that the seed can be initialized internally,
  // e.g. by offering two ways of constructing or offer a static method that
  // returns a seed that's suitable for initialization.
  // The problem now is that callers are calling clock_->TimeInMicroseconds()
  // which calls TickTime::Now().Ticks(), which can return a very low value on
  // Mac and can result in a seed of 0 after conversion to microseconds.
  // Besides the quality of the random seed being poor, this also requires
  // the client to take on extra dependencies to generate a seed.
  // If we go for a static seed generator in Random, we can use something from
  // webrtc/base and make sure that it works the same way across platforms.
  // See also discussion here: https://codereview.webrtc.org/1623543002/
  explicit Random(uint64_t seed);

  // Return pseudo-random integer of the specified type.
  // We need to limit the size to 32 bits to keep the output close to uniform.
  template <typename T>
  T Rand() {
    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
                      std::numeric_limits<T>::radix == 2 &&
                      std::numeric_limits<T>::digits <= 32,
                  "Rand is only supported for built-in integer types that are "
                  "32 bits or smaller.");
    return static_cast<T>(NextOutput());

  // Uniformly distributed pseudo-random number in the interval [0, t].
  uint32_t Rand(uint32_t t);

  // Uniformly distributed pseudo-random number in the interval [low, high].
  uint32_t Rand(uint32_t low, uint32_t high);

  // Uniformly distributed pseudo-random number in the interval [low, high].
  int32_t Rand(int32_t low, int32_t high);

  // Normal Distribution.
  double Gaussian(double mean, double standard_deviation);

  // Exponential Distribution.
  double Exponential(double lambda);

  // Outputs a nonzero 64-bit random number.
  uint64_t NextOutput() {
    state_ ^= state_ >> 12;
    state_ ^= state_ << 25;
    state_ ^= state_ >> 27;
    //RTC_DCHECK(state_ != 0x0ULL);
    return state_ * 2685821657736338717ull;

  uint64_t state_;


// Return pseudo-random number in the interval [0.0, 1.0).
template <>
float Random::Rand<float>();

// Return pseudo-random number in the interval [0.0, 1.0).
template <>
double Random::Rand<double>();

// Return pseudo-random boolean value.
template <>
bool Random::Rand<bool>();

#endif // __RANDOM_H__

Random::Random(uint64_t seed) {
  //RTC_DCHECK(seed != 0x0ull);
  state_ = seed;

uint32_t Random::Rand(uint32_t t) {
  // Casting the output to 32 bits will give an almost uniform number.
  // Pr[x=0] = (2^32-1) / (2^64-1)
  // Pr[x=k] = 2^32 / (2^64-1) for k!=0
  // Uniform would be Pr[x=k] = 2^32 / 2^64 for all 32-bit integers k.
  uint32_t x = NextOutput();
  // If x / 2^32 is uniform on [0,1), then x / 2^32 * (t+1) is uniform on
  // the interval [0,t+1), so the integer part is uniform on [0,t].
  uint64_t result = x * (static_cast<uint64_t>(t) + 1);
  result >>= 32;
  return result;

uint32_t Random::Rand(uint32_t low, uint32_t high) {
  //RTC_DCHECK(low <= high);
  return Rand(high - low) + low;

int32_t Random::Rand(int32_t low, int32_t high) {
  //RTC_DCHECK(low <= high);
  // We rely on subtraction (and addition) to be the same for signed and
  // unsigned numbers in two-complement representation. Thus, although
  // high - low might be negative as an int, it is the correct difference
  // when interpreted as an unsigned.
  return Rand(high - low) + low;

template <>
float Random::Rand<float>() {
  double result = NextOutput() - 1;
  result = result / 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEull;
  return static_cast<float>(result);

template <>
double Random::Rand<double>() {
  double result = NextOutput() - 1;
  result = result / 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEull;
  return result;

template <>
bool Random::Rand<bool>() {
  return Rand(0, 1) == 1;

double Random::Gaussian(double mean, double standard_deviation) {
  // Creating a Normal distribution variable from two independent uniform
  // variables based on the Box-Muller transform, which is defined on the
  // interval (0, 1]. Note that we rely on NextOutput to generate integers
  // in the range [1, 2^64-1]. Normally this behavior is a bit frustrating,
  // but here it is exactly what we need.
  const double kPi = 3.14159265358979323846;
  double u1 = static_cast<double>(NextOutput()) / 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFull;
  double u2 = static_cast<double>(NextOutput()) / 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFull;
  return mean + standard_deviation * sqrt(-2 * log(u1)) * cos(2 * kPi * u2);

double Random::Exponential(double lambda) {
  double uniform = Rand<double>();
  return -log(uniform) / lambda;




#include <random>
#include <iostream>

struct MT19937 {
    static std::mt19937_64 rng;
    // This is equivalent to srand().
    static void seed(uint64_t new_seed = std::mt19937_64::default_seed) {

    // This is equivalent to rand().
    static uint64_t get() {
        return rng();
   static double get_double()
        double result=rng();
        return result/std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();


std::mt19937_64 MT19937::rng;

int main() {
    MT19937::seed(/*put your seed here*/);

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i)
        std::cout << MT19937::get() << std::endl;







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